Friday, October 24, 2008

Should Obama really be President?

I've always been independent of any party affiliation. I have my personal views that are shared by both major parties and really look at both as unnecessary. But if you balance my views and opinions, guess I tilt more right than left.

There's been a lot of talk about how the economy's screeching to a halt and a lot of blame being placed on one party from the other which is flat out ludicrous. Of course both parties are at fault. Any moron, with any sense of basic math could see that the housing market was bound to end up no other way than in the crapper. If there's someone that couldn't see that, I would not publicly admit it. I would probably be somewhat embarrassed to admit it. But there were many people that did know, mortgage lenders knew, and many elected officials on both parties. Some of those officials did speak out, but were drowned out by those that stood to benefit from it.

As an American, I feel that the country's really hurting both financially and from a real lack of motivation to seek out education. It's very unfortunate. More unfortunate is the fact that outsiders know this due to some ignorant Americans which feel that our freedom of speech extends outside the boundaries of our nation. This is evident in the many online discussions and comments on several blogs, social network sites, and video site. Including some of Obama's statements regarding foreign policies. I can say that, I've definitely earned that right with the many sacrifices our family's made for the freedoms that we all enjoy. I personally have a lot of respect and admiration for Sen McCain for his lifelong sacrifices and commitment to this country, Gov Palin for her accomplishments as governor and an overall successful and ambitious American woman, Sen Biden for his many accomplishments and sincere views and values, and even to some extent Sen Obama, though it's been slipping away since before his nomination.

Now, to those that have done any homework at all regarding this election, again, the math wouldn't add up. I'm extremely proud to finally see an African-American on the run for the big office. It's everything that occurs as he gets there that I find disturbing. In 2004, Republican Peter Fitzgerald was retiring and both Barack Obama (D) and Jack Ryan (R) were nominated to run for the seat on the senate. Soon after alleged backers of Barack Obama's emailed reporters about the divorce controversy involving Jack Ryan (R) and Jeri Ryan (Star Trek Voyager's Seven of Nine). Why would they do that? The only logical reason I can find, to spark up controversy, which in fact had damaging effects to Jack Ryan's campaign and resulted in Obama's win of the seat. As a side-effect, the original reason for the sealing was outweighed and as The Chicago Tribune reported "Judge admits son will be harmed".

** Off-Topic Note **
Reasons the divorce papers were sealed can be found @

Here's how that went down:

On March 29, 2004, and with pressure from alleged Obama supporters (which consequently refrained from on-the-record commentary about the divorce files), The Chicago Tribune, and a Chicago television station in Los Angeles (where the Ryans divorced), Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert Schnider ruled that several of the Ryans' divorce records should be opened to the public at the discretion of a court appointed referee which would decide what should be kept sealed in order to protect their son, Alex Ryan, so that the public.... "can be assured that there is no favoritism shown to the rich and the powerful." The Ryan campaign characterized Obama as hypocritical, because Obama's backers had been emailing reports about the divorce records PRIOR to Judge Schnider's decision.[1] How the hell does that happen?

On June 22, 2004, after receiving a report from the referee, Judge Schnider released those files that were deemed consistent with the interests of Ryan's young child. In those files, Jeri Ryan had alleged that Jack Ryan had taken her to sex clubs, with the intent of having sex in public. The decision to release these specific files generated much controversy because it went against both parents' direct request for keeping possibly damaging information to their son private. Again, How the hell does this happen? If Monica can smoke Bill Clinton's cigar, and everyone's ok with it, how the hell can what the Ryan's choose to do or not to do as a married couple and their reasons to divorce, be of more value? C'mon guys.

Contrary to the obvious advantage and benefits to his campaign, on April 2, 2004, Barack Obama formally established his position about the Ryans' soon-to-be-released divorce records, and called on Democrats to not inject them into the campaign. But, still, it happened. As a result of the embarrasment, GOP officials including state GOP Chair Judy Baar Topinka led to calls for Ryan's withdrawal, though Topinka said after the June 25 withdrawal that Ryan's "decision was a personal one" and that the state GOP had not pressured Ryan to drop out. Ryan's campaign ended less than a week after the custody records were opened, and Ryan officially filed the documentation to withdraw on July 29, 2004. The same party leaders who called for Ryan's resignation chose Alan Keyes as Ryan's replacement in the race, Keyes lost to Obama, 27% to 70%.

Subsequent to his withdrawal from the U.S. Senate race in Illinois, Jack Ryan has characterized what happened to him as a "new low for politics in America". According to Ryan, it was unprecedented in American politics for a newspaper to sue for access to sealed custody documents. Ryan opposed unsealing the divorce records of Senator John Kerry during Kerry's race against George W. Bush in 2004, and Kerry's divorce records remained sealed. Ryan has made this request: "let me be the only person this has happened to. Don’t ask for Ted Kennedy’s. Don’t ask for John McCain’s. Don’t ask for Joe Lieberman’s. Just stop. This is not a good precedent for American society if you really want the best and brightest to run."

But, that was then... This is now!

Once again, some in the American press machine have used their influence to grossly twist the facts resulting in confusion amongst voters and undermining the democratic process. Most notably have been the media attack on an American citizen that has made or potentially can make Sen Obama look less than desirable.

"Joe the Plumber" - While Sen John McCain cites private citizen Samuel J. Wurzelbacher's questioning of Barack Obama's tax policies, some in the media pressure to dig through personal background information in hopes of discreditting him. "Daily Kos" has gone as far as to publish online his personal information including home address and phone number which I'm obviously not linking references to.

All this for simply asking how his future plans of hopefully being a business owner would affect him under Obama's proposed tax plans. Either our elected officials work for us, or they've gone on self-employment status in office. Could that be considered Communist? Going to have to research that one more.

Then you have the viciousness in which Republican VP Candidate Sarah Palin has been covered in the media and Alleged Obama backers the likes of which have not been seen since attacks aimed at Dan Quayle in 1988. These organizations have actively promoted continuous attacks based on her gender, intellect, maternal competence, and experience. As if thats not enough, an unknown hacker gained access to, an e-mail account that Gov. Sarah Palin has used for personal and possibly also state business in Alaska.

Attacks also included Sen McCain including his inabilities to raise his arms up past a certain height and alleged incompetence when using computers. These attacks were so unnecessary that Obama's VP running mate stated "I thought that was terrible by the way." Tactics like these have only led to entice supporters to continue the attack on a civilian level. Shirt campaigns started by Obama supporters include the "Bros Before Hoes" t-shirts which may depict Either Senator Hillary Clinton or Governor Sarah Palin alongside Senator Obama which can only be seen as sexist and demeaning to female elected officials and destructive to the American society. The horrific statements that Sandra Bernhardt made out to trash the Governor, and the acceptance of them by some is utterly inconceivable. To know how many lives have been sacrificed so that this monkey can spew her filth, it's saddening. What else can you say if you don't have enough facts to back up your decisions, resort to insults and hateful comments. Hate spawns reciprocal hate guys.

I cannot help but think that none of this would have escalated to the point it has if Sen Obama's methods of campaigning would have been more responsible, motivating the uninformed to go out to vote. And vote early, before they can change their minds. Instead of instructing new voters and motivating a more constructive movement to take part in informed decisions and responsible voting, instead, the organization unleashed Acorn and other similar groups to actively recruit anyone they saw without any type of screening. You didn't have to be eligible to vote to sign up, hell, you didn't even have to exist. Early voting opens and everything goes to hell. Acorn's classic attempts of voter manipulation is popping up in many states including Michigan, Ohio, and Nevada amongst others. Even Mickey Mouse is registered and eagerly waiting for his chance to vote democrat, probably. Why did I mention Obama? He said so. Oh, and the Obama camp paid them $832,598 for various political services, according to Federal Elections Commission filings. That group and ACORN share the same board of directors. Now, this doesn't mean that illegal votes have gone or will ever go on to be counted, but the principles and players are there and can be seen as intent. If not intent, then why start withdrawing votes?

Now, Joe Biden, Sen Obama's own running mate, warned that "America's enemies would test Barack Obama with an international crisis within six months if he's elected president. Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America." Biden told donors at a Seattle fund-raiser Sunday night.

The economic policies proposed by Sen Obama sound pretty good, but unfortunately, are in fact fatally flawed. In addition the consistent attempts by Sen Obama to motivate supporters to vote in early elections seem more like a common salesman's scheme, deliver a good sales pitch then rush and finalize the sale before they change their minds. Some points that scare me:

- Redistribution of wealth - The redistribution of wealth basically means the transfer of wealth from some to others. This is normally done voluntarily in a democracy, charity being a great example of this. Another way is basically taking it through taxes or through fines from those that meet a preset minimum worth in wealth (low % of population) with the objective of distributing it amongst the less wealthy (majority of a population). This method's normally used in a communist or socialist government and it's used to gain acceptance or at the least a level of tolerance in order to easier manipulate the subordinates. Not stating that this is the case, but it is in fact a proposal by Obama and it doesn't make it any less scary. I'm sure {I hope} I'm not the only one to see and understand this. If this is the case it can result in the hiding of wealth, in order to protect it from redistribution as Sen Obama's acceptance increases. This can negatively reflect on the market as less and less money gets transfered and get "hidden". I do hope I'm wrong here.

- Sen Obama's Tax Proposal - Here, read for yourselves.
- The Obama Tax Plan: High Tax Rates Are Not Just for High-Income Taxpayers
- General Search relating to the tax proposals for each candidate

Final Note: For centuries we've been fortunate to enjoy a separation of powers. Separation of powers is a political doctrine under which the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government are kept distinct, to prevent abuse of power. This US form of separation of powers is widely known as "checks and balances." If we were to elect a democrat into the Executive branch, coupled with the majority held seat in the Legislative Branch, we'd be severely crippling the protection we enjoy from our "check's and balances" considering present days "gang banger" mindset. I seriously doubt that our beloved country would survive long in that state and surely the minority party would not have it and can spawn very serious reactions from the population. Same would happen if all Republicans controlled both branches which is also a reason to ensure our checks and balances is strong and stable.

Add all the shady characters that he's allegedly associated with, why would I want this man anywhere close to the White House?

My decision for the '08 Presidential Campaign is still up for grabs simply because the US media has been so mercilessly manipulated that they've lost nearly all credibility forcing me to hunt down the truths myself to the best of my abilities. I've always believed that the measure of a person's true character is truly determined by what that person would do if no one ever found out.

alternate references: